Welcome to My Blog! My name is Fe from the Land of Promise, Davao, Philippines. But currently live in Colorado USA for 13 years now. Im 37 years old with two beautiful children and happily married with my American husband. Im a full time housewife and love simple things.
This blog is all about my life here in the US, travel experiences, product reviews, parenting, pets and more!
Love the Hooper Hot Spring. The kids play and swim for 3 hours and they really had a blast! We came around 4:30pm and came home about 8:30pm. Thanks to Miera's Family for coming with us, we would love to do it again next time.
This photo taken after our hiking. They are worn out for the 3 miles hike. That was a little bit much for the little kids. But Dana was been riding on his daddy's Bagpack Carrier. They are having fun thought and we had lunch at Pagosa Spring! ;-)
This photo taken last two weeks ago when we went to Fishing at the Echo Canyon Reservoir, Pagosa Spring. Kids are so happy to the fish that they caught. Dustin caught a bass and Dana caught a Bluegill! Too bad we didn't take the fish home for dinner, instead we let them go and take them back to the water. But its okay, we will surely fishing next time and we will surely take the fish home for dinner that time :-)
Watching my kids being happy at the convention, makes me happy also. I am so glad that we have a lot of friends in the congregation and we are surrounded with such a lovable peaceful brothers and sisters in Jehovah's organization. I wish that my kids will grow up to be a good loving person that they will walk the right path with Jehovah God.
Dana love to watch the pond outside the convention center at Pueblo State Fairground. They did pretty good job on that pond, wish we can have a small pond in the backyard, I am sure the kids would love it.
Elijah is one of Dustin's new buddy in our Kingdom Hall. They are very close and Dustin always wanted to sit next to Elijah. They are good buddies! Love that smile on Dustin's face and that lovely curly hair! :-)